Supporting Workers, Empowering Employers

Case Management Services

Case management services support the recovery and return to work of injured workers, benefiting employers, workers, and medical professionals.

Case management involves referral to a workplace rehabilitation provider who assists in facilitating the worker's return to their pre-injury role or finding suitable alternative work, or in some cases to support an alternative recovery pathway. Workplace Rehabilitation providers help employers meet their obligation to provide suitable work by identifying and designing appropriate duties and discussing the process of what happens next if this is not possible. Rehabilitation strategies are coordinated to ensure safe work performance, including equipment, retraining, and workplace modifications.

Case management strengthens engagement between insurers, employers, and treatment providers, focusing on a safe and durable return to work. It also addresses complex injuries or communication barriers hindering a worker's return to work.

At Atlas Rehab we provide valuable insights into case management within the NSW workers' compensation scheme and our experienced consultants strive to make a complex system accessible.  

Contact us to learn more about our case management services and how we can assist you. We’re here to help!